Make your dreams of escaping the wet and grey a reality with a Ford Escape.
When it comes to Island weather, we might not always get snow during the winter, but it does feel cold and damp. Heated seats in the Ford Escape can warm you up on cold mornings, but not the same way that a warm sandy beach will. We want to help you prevent the winter blues and escape into the warm sun with our Escape with Escape deals. Whether your dream is Palm Springs, Orlando Florida, or Kaui Hawaii, we will buy your tickets with the purchase of a 2019 Escape.
Is winter your jam? Don't worry we have a deal for you too! Take on the great out doors and escape around the island with a Winter Performance Package. The Ford Escape offers a great ride, heated seats, and even a moonroof to enhance your adventures. The Winter Performance Package will add to the standard safety features with winter tires, rims and sensors so you have the best traction for wherever your adventure takes you.
*See dealer for details. Offers may be cancelled at any time. Price does not include applicable fees and taxes. Vehicles have an additional $599 doc fee. Dealer #40142. Vehicles available at time of email creation. Escape with Escape offer only available on new in-stock 2019 Ford Escapes. Offer Expires November, 30. Plane tickets up to $750.00 CDN are eligible. Orlando,Palm Springs & Kauai tickets for 2 adults Winter 2019/2020.